by admin | Jun 7, 2020 | Life Lessons, Making Life Easier
ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE FROM AN EMPTY CUP Most of us need to learn how to take better care of ourselves. This doesn’t mean being negligent, unkind, or not doing for others. It means learning to give from a state of abundance instead of lack. That often means tending...
by admin | Apr 26, 2020 | Authentic Living, Life Lessons
WHY BEING INTERESTED IS BETTER THAN BEING INTERESTING It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by everyone talking at us rather than with us anymore. There’re so many means of communication that we’ve lost the art and the joy of authentically communicating. The Irony of Too...
by admin | Mar 29, 2020 | Authentic Living, Honoring Your Spirit, Life Lessons
COVID 19: NO ANSWERS, ONLY QUESTIONS I think we’ve all seen and heard plenty of advice about how to spend our time while in self-quarantine as we move through COVID19. I know I have. There’s Advice Aplenty Already I have heard about everything from books to...
by admin | Mar 15, 2020 | Authentic Living, Life Lessons, Making Life Easier
HOW TO MAKE YOUR VALUES WORK FOR YOU I spend a lot of time talking about core values in the workshops I run, and during the speeches I give. That’s because when my clients get clear about their core values, they also have a better sense of their value. This clarity...
by admin | Feb 2, 2020 | Life Lessons, Making Life Easier
HOW TO KNOW IF YOU’RE GOOD ENOUGH As a life coach, I have to smile and shake my head when I think of how I struggled to get everything right in my youth and young adulthood. I thought that was the golden key to life. To me getting everything right meant doing my...
by admin | Jan 19, 2020 | Honoring Your Spirit, Life Lessons, Relationships
HOW TO PREVENT THE BLESSING OF HAVING A CORE VALUE OF SERVICE FROM BECOMING A CURSE It’s been my absolute pleasure to work with clients, who have being of service as one of their core values. It’s not unusual to find them flying around in their capes rescuing people...