How Authentically Are You Living?

How Authentically Are You Living?

Take this assessment below or download it and take it at home!

Instructions: Answer each question according to how you feel by choosing T for True and F for False. Don't agonize too long over your answers or over analyze them.  In most instances, your initial response is the correct one.  Scoring instructions are at the end of the questions.


How Well Do You Know The "Who Of You"?

How Well Do You Know The “Who Of YOU”?


Take the Assessment below or download it and take it at home!

Instructions: Answer each question according to how you feel by choosing T for TRUE and F for FALSE. Don't agonize too long over your answers or over analyze them.  In most instances, your initial response is the correct one.  Scoring instructions are at the end of the questions.


Time and Energy Maximizing

Time and Energy Maximizing Assessment

Maximize your energy by monitoring how it fluctuates and take advantage of how YOU function best, when YOU function best.

Download the Assessment here!

Lorraine emphasizes self-discovery, enhancing authenticity, and personal foundation work in her coaching for individuals, groups and small businesses.

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CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 60 minute Exploratory Consultation. You’ve nothing to lose and it may reveal your next steps toward creating the life you want!

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