by admin | Jun 28, 2020 | Announcements
Taking Time To Heal In the name of the authenticity I so highly value, preach, and try to walk in, I have made a very difficult decision that has been a while in coming. I have systematically wound down my workload by not taking on anything new. And, to be able to...
by admin | Jun 7, 2020 | Life Lessons, Making Life Easier
ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE FROM AN EMPTY CUP Most of us need to learn how to take better care of ourselves. This doesn’t mean being negligent, unkind, or not doing for others. It means learning to give from a state of abundance instead of lack. That often means tending...
by admin | May 24, 2020 | Authentic Living, Making Life Easier
WHAT TO DO OR NOT TO DO, THAT IS THE QUESTION I shared the meme above, on my Facebook Business Page the other day because I am seeing and hearing more and more about what we should do, think, and feel regarding COVID 19. And so much of it is contradictory. Wear...
by admin | May 10, 2020 | Authentic Living, Making Life Easier
THE LITTLE-KNOWN SECRET OF SELF-LOVE As an Authenticity Coach, I interweave approximately twenty points of authenticity coaching into my client session. This is in addition to helping my clients accomplish whatever they want from coaching. Why Authenticity We can’t...
by admin | Apr 26, 2020 | Authentic Living, Life Lessons
WHY BEING INTERESTED IS BETTER THAN BEING INTERESTING It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by everyone talking at us rather than with us anymore. There’re so many means of communication that we’ve lost the art and the joy of authentically communicating. The Irony of Too...