Many years ago, I worked for a financial institution. We were often reminded to be cautious, alert, aware, and present, (CAAP) when walking into any area of our 2-story building. Especially the lobby. The reason was that a robbery could be in progress. The way we entered could significantly change the outcome of what was happening. It could even save or cost lives, including our own. People with raised guns tend to be very skittish.
This is good advice in any situation. A state of authenticity tends to exist when we take our attention to the present even when we’re doing something as seemingly innocuous as entering a room.
Caution is valid because any room is a potentially dangerous or explosive environment about to go pop?
Alertness prevents us from entering an environment oblivious of a possibly difficult conversation in progress.
Awareness enables us to notice on a deeper level: is someone in there trying to have a peaceful moment to collect themselves before going into or just coming from a difficult situation?
Presence is what we bring to the atmosphere. Is it gentleness or tension, positivity or negativity, peace or drama, reverence, and respect, or thoughtless indifference?
At the very least being cautious, alert, aware, and present, as we enter any environment creates an authentic sense of respect and kindness for those in that environment. In the worst situation, it could even save lives.
With apologies to Joan Rivers’ Book, “Enter Talking,” I say don’t. Enter in a state of caution, alertness, awareness, and presence instead.
Do you have difficulty getting present in your day-to-day moments? Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”