It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by everyone talking at us rather than with us anymore. There’re so many means of communication that we’ve lost the art and the joy of authentically communicating.
The Irony of Too Much to Choose From
With email, Voice Mail, Twitter, Instagram, Text, Facebook, and Snail-Mail, it’s difficult to authentically engage with anyone about anything. We’re too busy hopping from one platform to the next. What we’ve gained, in our number of communication choices we’ve, lost in the depth of our communication. Read what to do about it here https://lorrainejohnsonlifecoaching.com/one-good-tip-to-help-you-get-to-happy/
About Being Interesting
The internet makes information so readily available everyone can talk about almost anything. And we do. However, when someone is authentically interested, listening attentively, and fully present in conversation, we feel treasured, and we remember the feeling.
It wasn’t until after her death that I read that Dr. Maya Angelou, American Poet, Award-winning author, singer, and actress said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
About Being Interested
Years ago, I was invited to the New York opening of Oprah Winfrey’s movie, Beloved. It was my first (and probably my last) movie premier. I was in quite a daze by all the photographers, famous people, and hoopla.
I heard a collective gasp and turned to see Glen Close, three-time Emmy, Tony, and Golden Globe Awards winner, walking into the theater on my heels. Photographer’s lights were flashing nonstop everywhere.
A few moments later, the woman in front of me stopped short, turned and gave me the brightest smile, opened her arms in a gesture of welcome and exclaimed, “Hello, isn’t this just wonderful.” She seemed so happy to see me, I worriedly thought, “We must have met before,” but I couldn’t make out her face with the flashbulbs going off. She looked directly into my eyes and asked me several questions as though we were old friends and the only two people there. Thankfully, there was a lull as the photographers reloaded. My eyes recovered, and I recognized Dr. Maya Angelou. And no, we’d never met.
We Remember How People Make Us Feel
To this day, I can’t remember what we discussed. But, I will never forget how her, effusive warmth, focused attention, and genuine interest for those few moments made me feel. All because she was more consumed with being interested (in me) than being interesting (to me).
Have you developed the habit of talking more than listening? Do you find yourself thinking more about what you’re going to say next rather than listening to what’s being said when in conversations? A little life coaching can help you to break those bad habits. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”