Finding yourself on that never-ending treadmill of what society, well-meaning family members, and friends have determined is a successful and profitable career track, then wondering why you’re miserable can be confusing, isolating, and frightening. It also does a major job on your self-esteem.
In western culture, you’re deemed a loser unless you’ve adopted the belief that it’s imperative to conform to a prescribed, regimented career path.
Rat Races Are For Rats, Not Humans
When you aren’t perfectly happy in the conventional roles you play, professionally and/or personally, you often feel like a failure, trying to function in the world as some version of what you THINK you should be: a version that’s been defined by others. And, you can find yourself climbing the ladder of that prescribed definition of what you should be, often all the way to the top. The good news is that you’re an excellent ladder climber: the bad news it is that you’ve propped the ladder up against the wrong wall. Usually, this realization hits somewhere around your mid-40’s, when you’re also realizing that you have less time in front of you than behind you.
Our ”What” Shouldn’t Come at The Expense Of Our ”Who”
The problem is that in our society, you’re taught to spend more time, money, and energy on WHAT you do and want to become than on WHO you are and WHO you want to be. You’re taught to focus so little on who you are that you often get terribly lost and feel a need to pretend you aren’t (lost). You pretend you’re as successful as you look and happy as you “should be,” because when you look around, everyone else seems to be successful and happy. Little do you know how many of them are pretending as well. According to Joan Anderson, bestselling author of A Year By The Sea, “The great loneliness in this culture is that people don’t know who they are.” Then they go out into the world, acting from that inauthentic place, often making messes that impact not just themselves, but the world around them. Caroline Myss, author of five New York Times Best Sellers and medical intuitive, says, “Self-esteem is the bedrock of personal power,” but there is no self-esteem in this scenario. Consequently, there is no personal power either, and yet, it is played out annually with every crop of June graduates.
Self-discovery, Self-awareness, and Self-understanding
Lead to Self-knowledge, Self-worth, and Self-esteem
We’re launching highly educated individuals into the world who haven’t got a clue who they are, what they need, or what their values and boundaries are, much less how to harness this knowledge to help propel them to where they belong, enable them to find their calling, and ensure they can live authentically.
I specialized in authenticity coaching because, like Lau Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher, writer, reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, I believe that, “If we want to awaken humanity, then we should first awaken all of our self… If we want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in our self. The greatest gift we have to give is that of our own transformation.”
My commitment as a coach is to support and assist my clients by forming reality-based partnerships, and gently holding them accountable, using proven thought-provoking strategies, creative problem-solving techniques, and various coaching assessments through the process of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-understanding — resulting in self-knowledge, self-worth, and self-esteem, all of which forms the foundation of personal strength and authentic living.
In short, my passion is helping my clients find the energy to make the changes that will enable them to create the life they want based on who they are, not who others or society say they should be.
It’s Never Too Late
Become a “scholar of your soul and self” to form the foundation upon which you can connect with your personal truths and move forward as your authentic self… Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”