Free Guide to Authentic Living
re you will find ten simple things people who live authentically know and do. Take a look and see how many of them you are doing and how and why they enable people to live authentically happy and fulfilling lives instead of just living the appearance of doing so.
Free Authenticity Quizzes
I’m making some of the quizzes I use in my workshops and with my clients available to you on my website FREE, so you can learn just how authentically you are living and WHO you really are…beyond what you do, the roles you play in the lives of others, and what you’ve acquired, obtained and accomplished. All of which is great, but is about what you do, not who you are. These quizzes are specifically designed to help you get to know your authentic self better.
How Highly Sensitive People Can Be Successful Entrepreneurs
This webinar will teach you how having the trait of being a highly sensitive sensory processor (often referred to as highly sensitive people or HSP’s) can be an advantage as an entrepreneur, how to make it work for you, and how you can succeed as an entrepreneur very well without having a hard-selling warrior-like personality. You’ll be surprised to learn who some of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs with the trait are.