As an Authenticity Coach, I interweave approximately twenty points of authenticity coaching into my client session. This is in addition to helping my clients accomplish whatever they want from coaching.
Why Authenticity
- We can’t authentically love ourselves if we don’t know who we are. And, if we don’t love ourselves, we can’t authentically love anyone else.
- When my clients become intimately familiar with who they are at their core and learn to function from that authentic self, it accelerates their progress and ensures that they achieve what they’re seeking from coaching.
- None of us have had perfect lives; perfect childhoods, perfect educations, perfect careers, perfect marriages, perfect divorces, perfect children, perfect retirements, etc. Consequently, we’re all wounded in some ways. When we don’t know who we are, it’s very difficult to heal our wounds. When we don’t heal our wounds, we eventually start bleeding all over those who didn’t cut us. This can show up as anything from a mild case of road-rage to some of the mass shootings which have become all too familiar.
The Four Basic Tenets
Twenty points of authentic living are a lot, but I can share the four basic tenets I teach in my workshops. These four tenets will help you to look beyond your labels, and the roles you play in your lives, and the lives of others. They Help you go deeper than the titles you’ve earned, and what you’ve acquired, accomplished, and achieved. All of which are wonderful, but about what you do, not who you are.
- Know your core values and align them with every facet of your life. For details about the importance of this, read more here,
- Discern your needs from your wants because your needs are an integral part of who you are. Compromising them is compromising yourself.
- Embrace your weaknesses as well as your strengths so you can play to the first and work your way around the second in any situation. Knowing your weaknesses can be one of your greatest strengths.
- Confidently and securely erect and maintain effective boundaries, which come out of the first three basic tenets of authentic living and include how to say no when it is your best interest to do so, firmly, simply, politely and easily without ever using the word no.
Getting Started on Your Own
I train people how to work with these tenets in my workshops, talks and Meet-Up groups. I would love for you to attend one of these, but I know that’s not possible right now. I am in the process of putting them online. Meanwhile, my website,, offers free access to some of the assessments and quizzes I use as well as my Guide to Authentic Living, ten simple Things People Who Live Authentically Know, And Do…and so can you, (which can also be obtained by clicking the link below). These are great tools for you to start exploring your authenticity on your own.
The Secret
So, What’s the little-known secret of self-love? Knowing who you are, and living from that authentic and glorious self, known as YOU.
Do you want to experience a little more love in your life? Authenticity coaching can help you get to know yourself in an entirely different and more authentic light. That light can lead to a lot more self-love and love of others. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”