Recently, a client was wondering what her legacy would be. She was middle-aged, didn’t have children, wasn’t married, and was between careers.
As she talked, she shared that she was a little late to our session because she’d stopped for gas, and an elderly gentleman in the car in front of her needed directions to the high school several towns away. She knew how to get there, but also knew he wouldn’t be able to find it on his own. Seeing that his license plate was from a different part of the country, she offered to lead him there in her car, not realizing how slowly he would drive. She said, “I found myself smiling the entire time, knowing the angst I was saving him.”
“…Thereby Some Have Entertained Angels…”
As we talked, she recounted times where she had performed other random acts of kindness for strangers, like cleaning the snow off the cars next to hers at the train station after the commute home in snow storms, and putting money in about-to-expire parking meters when shopping in her town, so people wouldn’t get parking tickets. I could hear the joy in her voice as she recounted these and other random acts of kindness. There was no bragging or self-praise, just pure joy in her voice.
After a while, she mused, “Maybe being kind to strangers IS my legacy.” I shared the biblical quote with her from Hebrews 13:2, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares,” and we both smiled.
Sometimes our legacy is so much a part of who we are, we just don’t see it.
What Do You Need to Get Clarity About
Thinking out loud with a non-judgmental listener can be a great way to get clarity. As a coach, it is my job to ask the right questions to help you come up with your own right answers. The ratio of your talking to mine is usually about 80/20. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”