Often, before I made some form of spirituality a daily practice, I would have times when I felt just a little “off” emotionally. Not depressed or sad, but just not joyful…off my game. I noticed that the feeling usually lifted when I did anything to feed and recognize my spiritual side. Something as simple as spending a little time in nature or meditating, reading a good book, doing breath work, doing a few yoga poses, or just having a good heart to heart with a close friend could make such a difference.
I came to realize that in those times of discontentment, I had become disconnected from my spirit. Rather than allowing this to happen and trying to fix it, I now incorporate something spiritual in each day, by making time for it in my schedule and on my calendar. It can be something as simple as ten minutes to have a quiet cup of tea using one of the beautiful teacups my mother used to collect before she got married or something as involved as journaling for 20 minutes or longer. (If like some of my clients, you’d like to journal, but don’t know how to start, I often advise starting by simply writing the answers to the following;
1. This morning I feel…
2. My nagging inner voice keeps telling me to…
3. The thoughts rolling around in my head are…
4. My soul longs to…
5. What I am most afraid of is…
6. My inner critic tells me…
7. What I am most grateful for is…
Making room to incorporate your spirit (daily if possible) can save a lot of emotional wear and tear, not to mention time and angst trying to figure out what that “off” feeling is about.
You will find that when you fill yourself up, even in these small and seemingly insignificant ways, not only do you feel much better, but you have so much more of yourself to give to others. You’ll also find that you’re giving authentically and from abundance, not scarcity and a sense of lack.
Try scheduling everything else around this time instead of squeezing it in where, when, and if it will fit. You don’t even have to know in advance what you will do. Just block
Engineering More Joy Into Your Life
Let’s talk about getting more joy into YOUR life. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”