As a life coach, I have to smile and shake my head when I think of how I struggled to get everything right in my youth and young adulthood. I thought that was the golden key to life.
To me getting everything right meant doing my best. Doing my best was a notion that tangled me up for years. I admit to being a tad literal. Especially as a little child. If you told me dad wouldn’t be home for dinner because he was tied up at the office, I couldn’t understand why no one was calling the police to bust him out of there like they did on television. And if someone said they would see me later; I’d look for them to show up again that day.
Imagine the knots I got myself tied up in when I was told by well-meaning yet somewhat clueless (about my literal tendencies) parents that I should always do my best no matter what. While I understood there is no such thing as perfection, I figured I could always, always, always do better…
Reframing the definition of good enough
It took me well into my adulthood (and a good talking to by my spiritual Godmother and astrologer, Blanche Colangeli) to understand that doing my best meant doing the best I could do in the moment without killing myself. Still being somewhat literal, I was stunned by this notion.
My problem was not understanding that life is a process of growing and evolving and that doing my best didn’t mean there would never be room for improvement. This simple yet seemingly profound revelation released me from a self-imposed perfectionism and some pretty harsh self-criticism until that time. With my literal notion of being my best, how could I ever be, well…good enough?
Being good enough can be easier than you think
I’ve learned that as long as we’re consciously aspiring to improve, learn, grow, and evolve, we’re doing our best and that means we’re good enough right where we are. I now proudly consider myself a recovering perfectionist doing her best. And that certainly is good enough.
Do you ever question if you are “good enough?” Do you question your worth and/or struggle with perfectionism? A little life coaching can help you see yourself in an entirely different light. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”