In a society, that spends so much more time, money, and energy on what we do than on who we are, we’re often rendered outwardly successful but internally unfulfilled and unhappy.
HINT: career titles, family titles, community positions, and most of the ways we define ourselves are not who we are. They are just the things we do and the roles we play.
Deepak Chopra, Medical Doctor, best selling author, and world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine, recommends asking seven questions to help start the process of understanding what I call the who of you.
As a Life Coach specializing in authentic living, I help my client’s outer expression match their inner experience so they can live authentically successful lives instead of just the appearance of doing so. I’ve incorporated these questions as a part of our work together to help them become more conscious about the depth of who they are.
I invite you to reflect on these questions as well:
- Who am I
- What do I want
- What’s my purpose in this life
- What sort of contribution do I want to make
- What are my unique talents and skills
- Who are my heroes
- What is a meaningful relationship-what do I expect from one, and what do I want give to it?
Your answers to these questions will change throughout your life as you grow and evolve, so I advise keeping them handy and asking them often.
Having this conversation with yourself, whether written (perhaps in the form of a journal), discussed with a trusted loved one or friend, or even just mulled over in your mind, will help keep you from losing sight of who you are as you travel down your individual and unique life-path.
How to Go Deeper
What you do are the roles you play. Who you are is so much deeper. Acquire the tools to enable your inner experience to match your outer expression and achieve more than just the outer appearance of success. Schedule your FREE EXPLORATORY SESSION here. I promise, there will be no hard sell. I have no personal attachment to the outcome of our conversation beyond your feeling better for our having had it. For more information about living authentically, click here and get your FREE copy of my “GUIDE TO AUTHENTIC LIVING: Ten Things People Who Live Authentically Know And Do…And So Can You.”