by admin | Jan 19, 2020 | Honoring Your Spirit, Life Lessons, Relationships
HOW TO PREVENT THE BLESSING OF HAVING A CORE VALUE OF SERVICE FROM BECOMING A CURSE It’s been my absolute pleasure to work with clients, who have being of service as one of their core values. It’s not unusual to find them flying around in their capes rescuing people...
by admin | Dec 1, 2019 | Making Life Easier
HOW TO BREATHE YOUR WAY THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS This can be a difficult time of the year. There are so many expectations put on us, and so many that we put upon ourselves. It’s impossible to meet them all, but still we try. If you are at all like me, by the time it’s...
by admin | Nov 17, 2019 | Honoring Your Spirit
DO GRATITUDE PRACTICES WORK It’s only natural that around Thanksgiving our minds are more focused on gratitude than at other times of the year. The notion of being grateful and trying to stay in a state of gratitude is often a question that comes up in my coaching...
by admin | Nov 3, 2019 | Authentic Living, Life Lessons, Relationships
How Knowing Your Intentions Can Help Determine Your Behavior Many of us who are on a spiritual path and doing our work tend to grapple with seemingly trite and strange questions to those who are less inclined to be as introspective. My client, Dean was in such a...
by admin | Oct 20, 2019 | Authentic Living, Honoring Your Spirit
When difficult times strike, and they will, it’s important to acknowledge how you feel, act authentically from that place as best you can, and not bypass your feelings. The best way to the other side of a difficult situation is usually by going straight through it. ...