I just finished watching a webinar about the best use of social media to send out information to large email lists. I learned a lot and it was useful, but they lost me when they taught how to compare my results with the results of others in my industry. When will we learn to stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on our own game?
I am all for having some sort of benchmark, when necessary. We need to have an idea of how much is too much and vice versa. And we need to keep abreast of what is going on in our work and world. However, when we spend time constantly comparing our unique selves to others, then become frustrated because we aren’t where they are, or become motivated by the simple fact that we seem to be ahead of them, we’re asking for trouble.
Even runners who race are coached never to turn their heads and check how close the competition is. They can lose valuable seconds by that simple act, costing them the race. In our instant gratification world of social media, we lose sight of the facts that the grass is always greener on the other side of the street, but it, too, must be
It’s too easy to lose your way and your authenticity when you start comparing yourself to others. Your life experiences were meant specifically for you. Instead, congratulate yourself for where you are, how far you have come, and what you have achieved. Including lessons learned from your mistakes. We all have our own journey, our own highs, and lows. The highs are wonderful and the lows are valuable learning experiences (although it may be difficult to see that at the time). That’s how you became the uniquely you, you are today. It’s less about being better than someone else and more about being better than you were yesterday.
Life just seems to go better when you have faith that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, trust in life’s timing, and keep moving towards your goals. You can do that by keeping your head down, running your own race, and staying in your own lane.
“Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against yourself… you might be comparing yourself to CRAZY,” according to Iyanla Vanzant, inspirational speaker, lawyer, and author.
Learn How to Eliminate the Comparison Habit in Your Life
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